Cancel Purchase Order

Cancel Confirmed PO / Cancel Processed PO

This application helps to automate process of Cancel Purchase Order.

Basic Features
  • This application provides facility to cancel bill and cancel incoming shipment while cancel purchase order, even if invoice was paid and incoming shipment was transfered.
  • "cancel Invoice", "cancel incoming shipment order"
  • Company wise configuration.
Look Below Screenshots:

After installation of this application below configuration will appear in Purchase Configuration.

Purchase order with two vendor bills and one incoming shipment and po is on purchase order state.

And vendor bills is on paid state.

Incoming shipment is on done state.

Following image shows purchase order after clicking on cancel button, After cancelling purchase order,You can see the order is in 'Cancelled' state and reset to draft button will be appear.

Vendor Bills was also cancelled, also payment entries will be unreconcile.

Incoming Shipment was cancelled and stock will remove from warehouse.

Complimentary Support

You will get 90 days free support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issue related to this module.

Contact us at for any query.

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Purchase Order Automation