Multi Branch

Multiple Branches

This application helps to automate process of manage multi branches.

Basic Features
  • This application provides facility to manage multiple operating units or branches with google map.
  • Branch available in Sale & Purchase And Invoice & Bill .
  • Delivery & Incoming Shipment and Employee & Manufacturing
  • Partner & Customers & Product & variants
  • Project & Tasks & Vendor and Warehouse
Look Below Screenshots:

Above is screen of branch.

Branch configuration will appear in User Configuration.

Branch configuration will appear in General Settings.

Operating branch wise sales manage in this app.

Add group by of branch in search function. Now user can find branch by name and check which records has already set branch or not in search view.

branch field in list (tree) view of sales & quotation as well as.

Branch will appear in employee detail view.

Filter and group by added in search view of employee.

Add branch in list view of employee for easy tracking.

Above image shows that user can configure branch in customer invoice(sale's invoice) form.

Added filter and group by in search view of invoice, so user will easily find record from list view.

Above image shows that user can configure branch in Vendor bill(purchase's bill) form.

Above screen of invoices & bills to show filter and group by of branch.

Branch configuration will appear in Manufacturing order.

Add branch filter and group by in Manufacturing order so user can find record from kanban view.

Add branch filter and group by in Manufacturing order so user will track record from list view.

Operating branch will display in partner's form(customer, vendor).

Add filter of branch in customer & vendor and partner's view.

Above image shows that user can configure branch in delivery(incoming shipment,picking).

Add filter & group by branch in delivery order and add branch field in list view.

User can configure branch in product.

User can configure branch in product variants.

User can track branch wise purchase order.

branch wise warehouse will manage.

branch filter & group by and field added in list view of warehouse.

branch field is now available in task view.

branch filter & group by and field added in list view of project's tasks.

branch added in list view of tasks.

branch added in project detail view.

Complimentary Support

You will get 90 days free support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issue related to this module.

Contact us at for any query.

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