Purchase Request By Employee
This Application helps to Create Purchase Request
Basic Features
- This application provides facility to create purchase request by employee or user who aren't access of purchase.
- User can create stage based on there company need. Give access of group who can approve that request.
Look Below Screenshots:

After installation of this application menu display in purchase --> purchase request -->stages. Above configuration of stages based on user need. Based on sequence this will display in request view. And based on access group request in approved by only that group.

Above Image is of request by user or employee and stages that user have configured and vendor and product isn't require if user have not idea of that. And based on next stage configuration stage will change on approve button click.

Above Image Is for create PO(RFQ) button will only display based on stage configuration create po checkmark and purchase access users.

Create PO require vendor and product based on that Draft RFQ will generate and redirect to that view.

Above Image Is for relation of PO to request.

In First Image we have configured Approval From account department having account group access. If user don't have access of account.

User Don't have account access then approve button is not display of that user.

If we will give access of account to current user.

Then Button will display to that user.

Above image is for smart button of purchase order in request view.
Complimentary Support
You will get 90 days free support for any doubt, queries, and bug fixing (excluding data recovery) or any type of issue related to this module.
Contact us at
for any query.